Friday, 29 March 2013

DAY 8 - Daily Diary

Another good day…Western Aboriginal Harm Reduction Society (WAHRS) endorses demands. Dave’s favourite quote from a WAHRS member: “You’re a diabetic? That’s hard core, man.” WAHRS members brainstorm about how to get the word out better. They say to get a flip chart at the pickets that display the day of his hunger strike.

It’s Friday night at Pidgin Restaurant. Picketers are laughing instead of heckling. Hunger strike still a little lost there at Pidgin. But HD is happy after a week of meeting with groups, feeling the love and solidarity growing. He says: “I’ve done my part now. I don’t think I can talk any more, the rest is up to you all now.”

Thursday, 28 March 2013

DAY 7 - Daily Diary

More key Downtown Eastside groups with resident memberships endorse demands for 100% social housing at the Pantages/Sequel 138 site, for 100% social housing at police station and for the DTES to be a “social justice zone:”  Downtown Eastside Neighbourhood Council and Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users.

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

DAY 6 - Daily Diary

Homeless Dave with the Power of Women Group
Homeless Dave has gone 6 days without food and is pushed for many miles in a wheelchair to raise welfare rates.  

Photos here:

Can’t stop gentrification if low-income people don’t have enough money to eat and shop.  Dave complains to NDP Dix that BC Housing is using tax-payer funds to bailout condo developer at 138 E Hastings to aid gentrification.  Later that night, Dave visits Downtown Eastside Power of Women Group and they support.  A great day!

Monday, 25 March 2013

DAY 4 - Daily Diary

CBC Footage from Development Permit Hearing – Hunger Striker speaks against 555 Cordova Street condo application – approved, of course:

Sunday, 24 March 2013

DAY 3 - Daily Diary

“We’re not about smashing windows.  We’re about smashing the old broken paradigms and building new paradigms that are more just and equal.  I won’t stop until gentrification in the DTES stops.”     
               -   Homeless Dave, hunger striker

Learn why Hunger Striker and others started the picket at Pidgin Restaurant:

Mike Harcourt on the picket at Pidgin Restaurant:

Friday, 22 March 2013

DAY 1 - Daily Diary

LAUNCH OF HUNGER STRIKE – Homeless Dave was honoured to have the support of Grand Chief Stewart Phillip of the Union of BC Indian Chiefs and Cecilia Point of the Musqueam Nation.  Both attended the launch.

Watch launch coverage on APTN:

Flux photos of launch:

Globe and Mail: