Sunday, 26 May 2013

Congratulations from Grand Chief Stewart Phillip

From: Stewart Phillip
Sent: April-24-13 12:45 PM
To: Tami; wendy; Homeless dave; Cecilia point; don Bain; Mona Aboriginal Front Door; Lorelei Butterflies in Spirit; Mike Harcourt; Tim Louis; Wilson Munoz; Ellen Woodsworth; Gena Carnegie President; Richard DNC; Dave VANDU; Karen Gallery Gachet; Tracy Western Aboriginal harm reduction; Harsha Power of women; Shurli Power of Women; Joan Power of women; Dave streams of justice; Rob EIDGE; Kim H COPE; Cecily Gallery Gachet; Jean CCAP; Michael Clague BCS; Ray Spaxman BCS; Ian Chang BCS;
Subject: RE: DTES Hunger Strike: request for statements of support

Dave, Wendy and Tami;


On behalf of the Union of BC Indian Chiefs, I would like to congratulate and commend you on your highly successful grass-roots campaign to draw public attention to the impacts that gentrication is having on wiping-out the supply of social housing opportunities in the Downtown Eastside.

We are greatly relieved that Homeless Dave now has the opportinity to restore and rebuild his health. We thank him for his many days of selfless sacrifice. Truly inspirational and courageous Leadership! 

We also thank all the many People who supported Homeless Dave and 'his team' during hia hunger strike.

In closing, knowing full well that this battle and this struggle and this war to achieve social justice for all is not over; we thank you for the great honor of standing in support and solidarity with you during this particular campaign.

All our Relations,

Grand Chief Stewart Phillip
Union of BC Indian Chiefs

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