Monday, 1 April 2013

DAY 11 - Daily Diary

Dave slept in North Shore Mountains on day 9 and 10, and he looks good today, but very skinny. Initial shock to system seems to be over. But definitely needs wheelchair now, so we’re renting him one, will take donations if anyone wants to help out. Great day picketing today/Monday in sunshine, we ran out of flyers and petitions. Met Wilson, Chinese resident who speaks Cantonese and understands gentrification. Seeing it in Chinatown now, he said. Said he’ll help out with pickets and come to city hall. Met Marsha, Aboriginal woman, who took a stack of petitions. Her son said he would make a face-book event for us. Met Rider and Susan who used chalk to write “100% social housing now!” in very large letters on the wall of the police station! HD thinks Thursday, Day 14, is best day to go to city hall with letter to Mayor and to “weigh in.” More info on this to come. Come and meet Dave this week: noon at “the blue wall” sequel, then 1pm at cop shop, then 6pm at pidgin.

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