Tuesday, 9 April 2013

DAY 18 - Daily Diary

Day 18: Alice and Dave get petitions signed for 100% social housing. City's plan for cop shop? A "technology, incubation and acceleration centre" -- DTES as the new Digital district going to council tomorrow. First we heard of this.

City wants HOOTSUITE moving into cop shop? http://www.straight.com/news/369851/sam-reynolds-city-vancouvers-hootsuite-deal-shouldnt-be-kept-secret

Remember slanderous Hootsuite employee comment when they moved out of DTES/ Railtown office?

Said Eve Belanger of Hootsuite: "Last day in #DTES office. I will probably miss midget prostitute the most. Smell ya later DTES, (literally)." https://twitter.com/NellaLou/status/292832810568413184/photo/1

This is the kind of dehumanizing attitude that fuels serial killers. Stop gentrification. Rally there this Sunday, April 14th at noon.

More Day 18 - Dave and Tami went to vigil at Art Gallery tonight. Dave writes: "Wendy-it was beautiful--Cecelia Point and her sister Mary came--they sang songs and prayers for Grand Elder Robinson and myself--Cecelia honoured me with a beautiful blanket (about 25 people there) really tired now take care sleep tight D"

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